Receivership – GSA

Receivership is an immediate remedy that is available to secured creditors that hold a charge over all the present and after-acquired assets of a company. These charges are typically referred to as General Security Agreements (GSA’s) and will usually include the right to appoint a receiver over the company’s assets in the event of a default.

Where a receiver has been appointed by a GSA holder the directors cease control of the company, the receiver will run the business for the benefit of the creditor that appointed them. An appointed receiver acts to realise assets of the company to repay the GSA holder. In the event, there are surplus assets after the GSA holder has been repaid these will be returned to the control of the directors of the company.

Typical GSA holders are financial institutions such as banks and finance companies while private individuals can also possess a GSA over a company’s assets. Irrespective of who the appointing secured creditor is, a receiver must act quickly to take control of the company’s assets as they are personally liable for expenses incurred while appointed as receiver. The benefit of a receivership over liquidation is that the appointment and effect of a receiver is immediate without having to wait to go to Court as is the case with a liquidation.

If you are a GSA holder of a company and need to discuss your enforcement options, please contact us to discuss your enforcement strategy.


Other areas in Receivership: Asset Recovery


Khov Jones is a specialist insolvency and consulting firm that delivers practical solutions to clients that encounter often challenging and complex issues. Our directors are Licensed Insolvency Practitioners.

With over 25 years of commercial experience providing specialist advice we have the skills and expertise to provide robust advice to clients when it counts.

Our specialist insolvency areas include liquidations, receiverships, voluntary administration and creditor compromises. We also undertake forensic accounting assignments and consult to our clients on insolvency related matters.



Auckland Office: I4, 59 Apollo Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632

Waikato Office: Level 7, 711 Victoria Street, Hamilton 3204

Postal: PO Box 302261, North Harbour, Auckland 0751

Phone: 0800 275 554
