Liquidation – Solvent

A company may elect to appoint a liquidator even if it is not insolvent. These liquidations are typically used when the company is no longer needed for the purpose it was created and there are surplus assets that need to be distributed to the shareholders or to crystalise any contingent liabilities that may arise in the future.

Solvent liquidations can be a tax effective method by which shareholders can receive distributions of the company’s assets tax-free. This will typically occur upon sale or closure of the company’s business or a structured reorganisation of a group of companies.

If you require a liquidator to be appointed on a solvent basis, please contact us to take advantage of this process.



Other areas in Liquidation: Court Appointed, Voluntary


Khov Jones is a specialist insolvency and consulting firm that delivers practical solutions to clients that encounter often challenging and complex issues. Our directors are Licensed Insolvency Practitioners.

With over 25 years of commercial experience providing specialist advice we have the skills and expertise to provide robust advice to clients when it counts.

Our specialist insolvency areas include liquidations, receiverships, voluntary administration and creditor compromises. We also undertake forensic accounting assignments and consult to our clients on insolvency related matters.



Auckland Office: I4, 59 Apollo Drive, Albany, Auckland 0632

Waikato Office: Level 7, 711 Victoria Street, Hamilton 3204

Postal: PO Box 302261, North Harbour, Auckland 0751

Phone: 0800 275 554
